What is WorkReadyNH?
WorkReadyNH is a practical, tuition-free program for job seekers and career builders that helps residents strengthen the workplace skills employers value in prospective employees. It is offered through the Community College System of New Hampshire at community colleges across the state. WorkReadyNH participants enroll in a 60-hour course that takes place in a simulated workplace environment.

During this interactive and fast-paced course, participants learn and apply communication strategies, critical thinking skills, team building techniques, customer service skills, conflict resolution tactics, and more. They immediately put what they learn into practice as they collaborate in small groups to design a product or service they need to “pitch” to the class and WRNH staff. All of this is accomplished over a three-week period with firm attendance and behavior expectations.

Participants also complete online training modules in preparation for taking the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) exam through ACT.  The NCRC exam measures a participant’s skill level in the areas of applied math, reading workplace documents, and graphic literacy. National scores for this exam are linked to an extensive database of careers and show the minimum scores to be successful in those fields.

How Can You Connect with WRNH Participants and Graduates to Build Your Workforce?
Since 2011, the program has graduated more than 3,700 people who were unemployed or underemployed, seeking to advance in the workforce.  Since July 2018, the WorkReadyNH program had over three hundred graduates with varying backgrounds and skills.  That large pool of candidates and potential employees could be working for you. So, how can you connect with this select group of individuals?  It is easier than you think.

Look for WorkReadyNH on a Resume.
Participants work hard to earn the WorkReadyNH and NCRC certificates. They are encouraged and coached to share this accomplishment on their resume and during interviews. Look for candidates who completed the program. Ask detailed questions about what they learned from the course and how they will apply what they learned to your organization.

Connect with Your Local WorkReadyNH Director.
The WorkReadyNH program is offered at NH’s Community Colleges Statewide. Each location has a Program Director that would welcome the opportunity to collaborate with you.  This can include conducting mock interviews, sharing your expertise as a guest speaker, or coming in to talk about careers within your organization.

Guarantee Interviews for Completers of the WorkReadyNH Program.
Participants who complete the WorkReadyNH program are prepared and eager to work.  They are equipped with the essential skills that employers like you are looking for in an employee. You can create a partnership with the local program director to guarantee interviews for everyone who completes the course. Each class can have up to eighteen graduates a session, providing you with a pipeline of candidates.

If you are interested in learning more about the WorkReadyNH program, visit us on the web at ccsnh.edu/WorkReadyNH or call 603-230-3534.

WorkReadyNH is a partnership between the Community College System of New Hampshire, the Department of Business and Economic Affairs, and the Office of Workforce Opportunity. Funding is provided by the NH Job Training Fund